Phone : +91-7977591201 | +91-7977808018 |

Corporate office


We Provide you the great Corporate office Service

Pest Controlling

Controlling, managing, removing undesirable insects and other pests, from spaces occupied by people.

Desk Cleaning

Cleaning before office starts. Ciearing desks and destroying any paper materials if found.

Chair Cleaning & Dusting

Clean Chairs and Dust them on a periodic basis. Maintaining them, Replacing when unable to use.

Pantry Services Management

Clean and maintain vending machines, water coolers, refrigerators, microwave Ovens, etc. Refill Vending machines and replace water bottles when required. Service of tea / Coffee /snacks / water as per SOW at the desk of all staffs and visitors. Washing & Cleaning of Mugs.

Washroom Cleaning

Suitably trained to clean and monitor Maintains and keeos them well ventilated.

Glassdoor Cleaning

Perform regular cleaning of all glass Doors.

Floor, Carpet, Sweeping, etc

Floor Swept, cleaned and mapped on daily basis Dry clean Carpets daily.

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